How to Find Hidden Jobs and Unadvertised Opportunities in Nigeria How to Find Hidden Jobs and Unadvertised Opportunities in Nigeria

How to Find Hidden Jobs and Unadvertised Opportunities in Nigeria

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly land jobs while others struggle, despite having similar or even better qualifications, and putting in the same amount of effort? It’s not just luck or coincidence.

The truth is, many job opportunities in Nigeria aren’t advertised at all. This hidden job market is where a significant portion of hiring within the country takes place, and if you know how to access it, you can significantly increase your chances of landing your dream job.

The hidden job market is now the world where job opportunities exist, but aren’t publicly posted or advertised. And don’t think I Am just referring to the private sector only, the public sector also inclusive. If you’re feeling stuck in your job search, it might be time to shift your focus and start exploring these unadvertised opportunities using the strategies outlined below.

1. Network, Network, Network Again.

Actually, the line above isn’t a mistake. The matter of networking for a job seeker can never be overemphasized. In Nigeria, who you know can be just as important as what you know. This isn’t just a cliché; it’s a hard reality that can make a huge difference in your job hunt. Your network; (friends, family, former colleagues, and even classmates) can be a goldmine of information about job openings that aren’t publicly advertised.

As a job seeker, don’t hesitate to reach out to people you know, even if you haven’t spoken to them in a while. Let them know you’re actively looking for opportunities. A casual conversation or a simple message can lead to unexpected opportunities.

And remember, networking isn’t just about asking for favors; it’s about building genuine relationships. Show interest in what others are doing, offer your help when you can, and you’ll find that goodwill often comes back to you when you need it most.

2. Ever Heard of Informational Interviews?

One of the most powerful tools you can use in your job search is the informational interview. Note that this is not a job interview but rather a meeting where you learn about someone’s else’s job, industry, or career path. It’s a way to gather insights, learn about their industry and show that you are interested in learning from them.

If possible, go ahead and tell them about your inspiration to work or walk in a similar industry or on a similar career path, and who knows, they might be quick to tell you about a possible position either in their organization, or in a similar industry.

For example you can reach out to a professionals you admire, whether through LinkedIn or other networks, and ask if they’d be open to a brief meeting or chat to share their experiences.

During these conversations, you might discover opportunities that aren’t yet public. Informational interviews also allow you to build connections in your industry. You could potentially convert these same professional individual into one of your network and build further relationship from there.

Don’t be afraid to initiate these conversations. Most people are happy to share their experiences and advice, especially if you approach them with genuine curiosity and respect.

3. Join Professional Associations and Groups

Professional associations related to your field can be at the heart of the hidden job market. These groups bring together professionals from the same industry, creating a space where job leads, industry trends, and valuable contacts are shared.

Don’t just be a member, but be one that is active. Attend events, engage in discussions, and volunteer for projects. This will not only help you to stay update with news trend and job opening relevant to your profession, but it will also increase your visibility.

Up until today, I still do receive updates from the Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM). Most professional bodies often have job boards, newsletters, and exclusive events where members share job openings before they hit the public. Being an active member not only helps you stay informed but also builds your reputation within the industry.

4. Use Social Media Strategically and Effectively

Social media isn’t just for staying connected with friends and sharing updates; it’s a powerful tool for uncovering hidden job opportunities. LinkedIn, in particular, is a platform where you can connect with professionals in your industry, including recruiters and hiring managers.

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is polished, highlighting your skills, experiences, and career aspirations. Join industry-related groups, participate in discussions, and share relevant content to keep yourself on the radar of people who could potentially help you.

Beyond LinkedIn, platforms like Twitter and Facebook can also be of help. The first official conversation I ever had with eHealth back in 2017 was via Twitter. Many companies announce openings on their website and share these openings to their social media platforms before getting to job boards. So follow the handles of desired companies and interact with their contents aggressively.

5. Cold Outreach to Companies

Alright, so this might seem intimidating at first, but it can be one of the most effective strategies in your job hunt. You can try contacting companies directly, even when they haven’t posted a job opening. This shows your interest and enthusiasm to be among their workforce and could earn you early notification of potential future openings.

Here is how to go about it; after researching companies you admire, identify the right people to contact, usually someone in the HR department or a hiring manager. Send a carefully crafted email introducing yourself. Carefully explain why you’re interested in their company, and outlining how you could contribute. Even if they don’t have an immediate opening, they might keep you in mind for future opportunities.

Cold outreach isn’t without risks, but when done right, it can open doors to opportunities that aren’t available to the general public. Companies appreciate candidates who take the initiative, and sometimes, they might even create a position for the right person. As a caution though, do not expect too much when using this approach, just be open minded that you may or may not get any feedback at all.

6. Partner with Recruiters and Headhunters

Recruiters and headhunters often have their fingers on the pulse of the job market, including the hidden part of it. Because helping others to get a job is their own job, they do all they can to stay in the top of their game.

As a result, most of the time, they know about job openings before they’re advertised and can match you with opportunities that fit your skills and career goals. So of them even have working relationship with some employers and business owners, and could recommend you if you are a direct match.

To get the most out of working with a recruiter, find one who specializes in your field and has a good reputation. They can provide you with valuable advice on improving your resume, preparing for interviews, and connecting you with job openings that align with your aspirations.

Recruiters are usually paid by the hiring company, so you don’t need to worry about fees. But if you are dealing with a job broker, he may require that you pay for his service. We have a bunch of these guys in major cities in Nigeria like Abuja, Lagos and PH. In this case, ensure that you don’t pay any fee upfront to avoid falling into the hand of a scammer.

7. Volunteer or Internship

Volunteering or interning can be a strategic way to tap into the hidden job market, especially if you’re trying to break into a new field or gain experience. Many organizations prefer to hire from within, so even if a position isn’t advertised, you could be considered for a paid role if you’ve already proven yourself as a volunteer or intern.

If you’re in a position to do so, consider volunteering or interning at organizations that align with your career goals. It is also a way to build your network, and gain hands-on experience while preparing for a bigger role up ahead.


The hidden job market in Nigeria is vast and full of opportunities, although accessing it requires a proactive and strategic approach. It is not always easy for sure, and it may take time to see desired result, but these strategies can significantly increase your chances of finding and securing a job that aligns with your skills and career aspirations. In a nutshell, hidden job market is all about being in the right place at the right time, I wish you right place at the right time always.

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